There's no particular order to the list just as I think of things...
1. Travel more
I have always dreamed of going on an American road trip along route 66. I think this year will have to be the one! Having finally settled into a permanent job I can start to plan holidays and I really want to take a few weeks off next summer to road trip around and across then west coast of America. I love the idea of visiting the national parks like Yosemite and the Grand Canyon, I think its such a beautiful part of the world and with so much to see. I would like to go to LA and California as well as these are some of my dream places to travel.
2. Move Out
This is one of the first things I want to achieve, having moved back with my parents after Uni, I now want to find my own little place near by that I can make my home. I love looking at home inspiration on Pinterest and would really enjoy adding my own personal touch to a house.
I want to go veggie for more than a day or two. I think its a great, healthy way to live and am not that bothered about meat anyway, I usually just eat chicken. I think once I have my own place I can manage what I eat and buy more so going veggie one week would be cool. Who knows I might just stick to it. I don't think I could go vegan however as I enjoy cheese and milk too much, and I would include fish in my diet as there is so much goodness in fish.
4. Be a bridesmaid for the first time
One of my oldest friends Chloe is getting married next year and I am so excited to be one of her bridesmaids. I have never been one before so this is such a privilege. I will have to blog everything and to add to the excitement I am making the bridesmaids dresses! Five in total! At least I have until next September.
5. Change my hair colour
Hair colour is the one thing I have never been very adventurous with. I have always stuck to the usual blonde highlights or my natural mousey brown. I really want to experiment before I get too old for it, maybe a deep brown or blonde dip dye. What do you think would suit me?
6. See the Northern Lights
is another travel destination I want to do soon. I have heard such
amazing things about it and would love to see the northern lights there.
This could be a good one to go to around new years eve or beginning of next
7. Get a Piercing
is a fun one. I only have my ears pierced at the bottom and had the top
done a few years back but it healed up. I think I would like to get
something else done before I get too old for it. I think nose piercings
look really cool, boho and quirky so might get this done! Maybe this
8. Get a Tattoo
one might be a little risky. I know they aren't for everyone and I am
the last person who would suit one but I think tattoos are so cool. I
would only get a small one somewhere like my foot or wrist, but still
would like to experience it.
9. Learn a new skill
As you might know I am a crochet/knitting granny in my spare time but in the next year I want to learn to create/make something else. My top choices so far are pottery or jewellery making. My mum does patch work, maybe I could learn that or maybe just develop my craft skills to make more complicated designs.
10. Get a new hobby
I would love to take on a sport or exercise class in my spare time too. I occasionally go to Pilates and love it so maybe just try and stick to it and go more regularly. I would also love to start playing netball in winter for a local team. Who knows maybe I could start something a little bit more daring like pole dancing?!
11. Own a pet or grow a veg
Yeh, a tomato plant might be little easier than an actual live animal, but I would like to take responsibility to look after and care for something. I like the idea of cooking with ingredients grown in my own garden or yard too.
Yeh, a tomato plant might be little easier than an actual live animal, but I would like to take responsibility to look after and care for something. I like the idea of cooking with ingredients grown in my own garden or yard too.
12. Watch a box set all the way through
Because if you can't do that in your twenties, when can you 'eh?
Because if you can't do that in your twenties, when can you 'eh?
13. Read a classic
My favourite movie is Pride and Prejudice but I have never actually read the book. Nor any other classic novel. I love the idea of reading a old copy of an old book or having a book shelve full of the classic novels such as Emma or Great Expectations.
My favourite movie is Pride and Prejudice but I have never actually read the book. Nor any other classic novel. I love the idea of reading a old copy of an old book or having a book shelve full of the classic novels such as Emma or Great Expectations.
14. Climb the Three Peaks
I would love to do this, if not all at once then individually. I am climbing Ben Nevis in July so that's one that will be ticked off soon!
15. Do a half marathon
After doing a 10k last year I want to push myself to a do a half marathon. I really enjoyed the atmosphere of the event and the achievement afterwards.
I would love to do this, if not all at once then individually. I am climbing Ben Nevis in July so that's one that will be ticked off soon!
15. Do a half marathon
After doing a 10k last year I want to push myself to a do a half marathon. I really enjoyed the atmosphere of the event and the achievement afterwards.
16. Quit facebook
I have been thinking this for a while. I used to love facebook but find it quite depressing and dated now, I rarely go on apart from to message to bridesmaids or see what my brother is upto in Germany. I prefer twitter and Instagram now as I find I can promote my blog and etsy and the vibe is a lot more positive and fun.
17. Go social media free for a weekend/week
I love the idea of this however I am not sure if I could stretch to a week free. I think social media is really fun but do find myself checking it a bit too much, I think it would be really therapeutic to sneak away with Tom for a weekend and turn off our phones and just enjoy each others company instead of worrying whether the lighting is right for my latest Instagram photo.
18. Conquer a fear
I don't know what this is yet but I am feeling brave! I love challenging myself with things, for example my Kilimanjaro climb or a 10k run. I want to have a think of something that scares me and then go for it, because the sense of achievement after will last a lifetime!
I don't know what this is yet but I am feeling brave! I love challenging myself with things, for example my Kilimanjaro climb or a 10k run. I want to have a think of something that scares me and then go for it, because the sense of achievement after will last a lifetime!
19. Girls holiday
I have been a two girls holidays both very different but both very fun! I think this is the age where a girls holiday is important to take, as I am still young and aren't tied down to any commitments yet. I would love to go to Ibiza with the bridesmaids or Croatia/Italy with my besties.
I have been a two girls holidays both very different but both very fun! I think this is the age where a girls holiday is important to take, as I am still young and aren't tied down to any commitments yet. I would love to go to Ibiza with the bridesmaids or Croatia/Italy with my besties.
I know this might not be possible but I have always wanted to go to Glastonbury but never got round to applying. I have always been a lover of festivals but Glasto is such an iconic festival I think you need to do it at least once in your lifetime, so starting next year I will apply each year until I get tickets!
21. Spontaneous city break
How exciting is the idea of having no plans for the weekend then just jumping on a train to Europe and spending the night in Paris or Bruges? Your twenties is the time to do things like this before you have kids and proper responsibilities right? Yolo

22. Do a colour run
Major selfie op! And it would be fun!

22. Do a colour run
Major selfie op! And it would be fun!
23. Be happy in my body
I know this is a bit of a cliche and I am generally ok with the way I look etc but I want to learn to not pick faults with myslef all the time. I think I have grown alot and am a lot more confident/relaxed with my looks in the past few years, I just need to learn say I love my body, because if not now, when?!
24. Etsy development
As you know in April I set up my Etsy store selling my handmade clothes and accessories, after many years of wanting to do so. Even though it is early days I am so proud of this in itself and love showing my makes to the world. By the time I am 26 I would like to have developed my Etsy store to sell more things, and appeal to a range of sizes and tastes.
25. Keep up with my Blog
I love blogging, having started around this time last year, I feel it has given me so much more confidence and allowed
me to be creative and share my projects. In the next year I would like
to keep my blog going and say it has grown in readership and my
photographic skills have developed.
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